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Testing with Puppeteer

Feature Aim

Check that the search function works as expected.

Development Notes

Install dependencies

npm install --save-dev mocha chai puppeteer lodash

Add script to package.json.

"scripts": {
    "test": "mocha --recursive test"

Add a dummy test in new file /test/regression.spec.js to check all running as expected.

const { expect } = require('chai');

describe('sample test', function () {
  it('should work', function () {

Now we add a /test/bootstrap.js file to set up some globally available variables and tidy up once we are done.

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const _ = require('lodash');
const globalVariables = _.pick(global, ['browser', 'expect']);

// puppeteer options - headless and sloMo commented out for quick testing.
const opts = {
  // headless: false,
  // slowMo: 100,
  timeout: 10000

// expose variables
before (async function () {
  global.expect = expect;
  global.browser = await puppeteer.launch(opts);

// close browser and reset global variables
after (function () {

  global.browser = globalVariables.browser;
  global.expect = globalVariables.expect;

Everything up to here is a compact version of the excellent article by @ankit_m linked below in the Research section.

The NPM scripts needs adjusted to:

"scripts": {
    "test": "mocha test/bootstrap.js --recursive test"

Finally we add the test to the search functionality. Initially I was going to hard code the search term in but that would be too fragile. I was also just going to test that the result was greater than 1 and less than the total posts. However, I wanted something more precise so I counted the matches to compare with the vue results.

describe('Search function filters posts.', function () {
  // Allow for longer test of a timeout error occurs.
  let page;
  // Open website on localhost in the headless browser
  before (async function () {
    page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('http://localhost:4000/');
    // This was later updated to a staging server (below) for Travis deployment
    // await page.goto('');
  // Once done, close page.
  after (async function () {
    await page.close();
  // Simple test to check title
  it('should have the correct page title', async function () {
    expect(await page.title()).to.eql('Patrick Grey: Web Development, E-learning & Motion Graphics');

  // This test aims to check that the search input is working.
  // Get count of total posts
  // Get first three letters of title of first post
  // Count all posts that include those letters.
  // Type those letters in.
  // Check that there is at least one post showing but less than original total.
  // Check that the post count equals the title check count.
  it('Should filter posts based on search input', async function () {
    const VUE_POSTS_CONTAINER = '.pg-posts-container-search';
    const INPUT_SELECTOR = '#searchInput01';
    const POST_SELECTOR = 'pg-post';
    const POST_TITLE_SELECTOR = 'pg-post-goto-link';
    // How I know that vue has initialised.
    await page.waitForSelector(VUE_POSTS_CONTAINER, {visible: true});

    // Get all post titles
    let allPostTitlesArray = await page.evaluate((sel) => {
      let _allPostTitlesArray = [];
      let allPostTitlesElementsArray = document.getElementsByClassName(sel);
      for (let index = 0; index < allPostTitlesElementsArray.length; index++) {
      return _allPostTitlesArray;

    // Get search term based on first title.
    let searchTerm = allPostTitlesArray[0].substr(0,3);
    // Count how many times the seachTerm should appear in posts
    let searchTermCount = 0;
    for (let index = 0; index < allPostTitlesArray.length; index++) {
      let title = allPostTitlesArray[index].toLowerCase();
      if(title.indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) >= 0) searchTermCount++;

    await page.waitFor(INPUT_SELECTOR);
    await page.focus(INPUT_SELECTOR);
    await page.waitFor(100);

    // Get the maximum number of filtered results possible
    let totalListLength =  allPostTitlesArray.length;

    await page.type(INPUT_SELECTOR, searchTerm, { delay: 150 });
    await page.waitFor(100);

    // Get the length of the filtered post list.
    let newListLength =  await page.evaluate((sel) => {
                        return document.getElementsByClassName(sel).length;
                      }, POST_SELECTOR);

    await page.screenshot({ path: 'test/search.png' });


I updated my .travis.yml fileto be the following:

language: node_js
  - "8"
sudo: required
  chrome: stable
    - master
  - npm install -g firebase-tools
  - npm install -g mocha
  - npm install -g hexo
  - npm install
  - hexo generate
  - npm run create-project-folders
  - npm run copy
  - firebase deploy -P staging --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
  - npm run test
  - firebase deploy -P default --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN

The following section was required to get headless chrome to run on Travis.

sudo: required
  chrome: stable

I added a staging website to Firebase at This allows me to run my tests against an actual website before deploying to my live website.

The script section of the file was updated to deploy some project folders that I develop outside of Hexo. The folders are created with npm run create-project-folders which runs "mkdirp public/projects" in the package.json file.

npm run copycopies my non-Hexo projects from the root folder to the deploy folder.

firebase deploy -P staging --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN deploys to my staging server using the staging alias. See here “Firebase blog page on deploying to multiple environments.” for more details on that.

The test, npm run test runs agains the staging server. If all is OK with the test, I switch firebase context to my production server and deploy.


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I'm Patrick Grey, a web developer working in Lochgilphead, Argyll, Scotland.

I dabble in web development, e‑learning & motion graphics.

Email me or find me on Twitter: @PatrickGreyCoUk